Thursday, July 7, 2011
Real Estate Trends & Issues -- The Finale
During this Real Estate Trends & Issues graduate course at UTA's downtown campus, we have looked at and discussed a variety of current real estate topics ranging from mezzanine financing to transportation oriented developments. The course has been fun and interesting and has given me the opportunity to hear a multitude of perspectives. The general consensus has been that the real estate industry is still facing several challenges and any real recovery will likely take time. Although it is true that the real estate market has certainly had its share of trouble lately and will undoubtedly be in trouble again due to the cyclical nature of real estate, the worst part of the storm seems to have passed in my opinion. My general sense is that real estate is poised for an upside driven by the convergence of demand from both the echo-boomers and their parents, the baby-boomers. In addition, pent up demand for housing is growing, there is less inventory, and there are fewer developments in the pipeline which will likely prompt a steady transition from a buyer's market to a seller's market. I also think that if we avoid the urge to over-regulate the financial and real estate industries as a reaction to what has occurred and remain true to capitalism here in the US, the recovery will be slow at first and then gradually gain momentum. I fear there is a natural tendency for citizens in advanced civilisations to gravitate toward more dependence upon their own government which, in the end, discourages industriousness. This has been modeled in many European countries that lean toward the socialist side of the spectrum. If America is to remain true to its capitalistic roots, then it must move away from any policies that promote moral hazard and must support free-enterprise as well as a range of businesses - small, medium, and large. Also, the 'too big to fail' doctrine which prompted the US government to bail out failing businesses must be avoided in the future. We must find ways to prevent unbridled greed from jeopardizing the overall economy without imposing restrictions that discourage free-markets and the desire by honest and hard-working business men and women to make a profit. Furthermore, the wealth effect resulting from the tech, stock, and real estate booms over the last decade has been a roller-coaster for many, a reminder that the bust is some times louder than the boom. For many this decade has been a wash or worse, but if we can learn from our experience, rebuild trust in commerce, and be mindful that we can't, even through securitization, make real estate as liquid as stocks, we may be able to move forward into the the next decade which, I think, holds great promise for the US in spite of the many challenges we face. At the end of class, I'm reminded of our grandparent's wisdom, "spend less than you make if you want to get ahead." No matter how advanced we become, this advice will always reign supreme and ignoring it will always lead us down the wrong path. This will be true for individuals and private and public institutions alike. Many thanks to Dr. Peterson for navigating the lively discussions.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Gen Y: The Next Wave of Home Buyers
The next wave of home buyers is building momentum and it may be a tsunami-size wave. But will it be the housing industry's salvation? Some, like me, are speculating that it will be but only time will tell. Overall, job growth is important (a key component to a sustainable and robust real estate recovery), but a more important trend is the current generational shift underway whereby echo-boomers are beginning to influence every facet of the US economy from marketing and advertising to real estate. Their influence has grown steadily as they come of age and begin to consume more and more. Currently, this group's buying power is estimated to be $200b annually, and this figure will only grow larger over the next decade. As 80M gen Yers, roughly 25% of the US population, dig deeper and deeper into the workforce many changes will take place. Standing between them and the corner offices, however, will be their own parents who have maintained a tight reign over corporate America and local, state and national government for decades. Watching how this unfolds will be interesting as one group, the baby-boomers, seeks to protect what they have while the other group, the echo-boomers, simultaneously seeks to obtain what it wants.
Figuring out what the gen Y group wants will be a major challenge for all industries, including real estate. Right now, this group is driving much of the growth in multi-family. As a result, multi-family has experienced a boom. But what is the 18-32 year old demographic really looking for. Determining what they want, of course, is very important and starts with understanding how gen Y differs from gen X and their baby-boom parents. Some research suggests the following characteristics of gen Y:
gen Y. What is this going to look like? It could mean building communities that have wi-fi hot spots, walkability, mixed-use, smaller floor plans, more open space, amenities that support an active and social lifestyle, high end finishes, and access to outdoor spaces. In a nutshell, amenities that accommodate a balanced work and play lifestyle will be better suited to gen Y. Today, this group is driving a boom in multi-family but soon will make the decision to own versus rent. When they make this decision will depend on many factors. At that time, the next generation of home buyers, gen Y, will drive the housing recovery. Meanwhile, the boomers will be downsizing. The end result will be a rebound in housing even if unemployment remains higher than it has during previous economic expansions. The rebound will be especially fun for those businesses that are poised to meet the demands of gen Y, the next drivers of our economy. Until then, real estate growth will be strongest in those areas of the country with the lowest unemployment rates, at least 2% or more below the current national unemployment rate.
Just like all retailers, builders and developers are taking note of the next wave of home buyers, but appealing to gen Y will not be easy. In fact, the tendency to guess at what this group deems important or superimpose or overlay one's own ideas about what is important will not work. Products that are embraced by gen Y will have to genuinely reflect their own tastes and lifestyles, not the tastes and preferences of the preceding generations. This will be as true for real estate as it is for technology products, etc. Like it or not, the torch has been passed and gen Y will lead the next renaissance in real estate. In fact, it has already begun!
Figuring out what the gen Y group wants will be a major challenge for all industries, including real estate. Right now, this group is driving much of the growth in multi-family. As a result, multi-family has experienced a boom. But what is the 18-32 year old demographic really looking for. Determining what they want, of course, is very important and starts with understanding how gen Y differs from gen X and their baby-boom parents. Some research suggests the following characteristics of gen Y:
- ethnically diverse
- better educated
- tech savvy
- charitable
- social
- environmentally conscious
- pet friendly
- active
gen Y. What is this going to look like? It could mean building communities that have wi-fi hot spots, walkability, mixed-use, smaller floor plans, more open space, amenities that support an active and social lifestyle, high end finishes, and access to outdoor spaces. In a nutshell, amenities that accommodate a balanced work and play lifestyle will be better suited to gen Y. Today, this group is driving a boom in multi-family but soon will make the decision to own versus rent. When they make this decision will depend on many factors. At that time, the next generation of home buyers, gen Y, will drive the housing recovery. Meanwhile, the boomers will be downsizing. The end result will be a rebound in housing even if unemployment remains higher than it has during previous economic expansions. The rebound will be especially fun for those businesses that are poised to meet the demands of gen Y, the next drivers of our economy. Until then, real estate growth will be strongest in those areas of the country with the lowest unemployment rates, at least 2% or more below the current national unemployment rate.
Just like all retailers, builders and developers are taking note of the next wave of home buyers, but appealing to gen Y will not be easy. In fact, the tendency to guess at what this group deems important or superimpose or overlay one's own ideas about what is important will not work. Products that are embraced by gen Y will have to genuinely reflect their own tastes and lifestyles, not the tastes and preferences of the preceding generations. This will be as true for real estate as it is for technology products, etc. Like it or not, the torch has been passed and gen Y will lead the next renaissance in real estate. In fact, it has already begun!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Searching for the Bottom in Real Estate
Have we hit bottom in the real estate industry? It's become a common question, and just like the stock market, it is very difficult to time the bottom of the real estate market. Truth is it feels like we've been bouncing along the bottom for quite awhile now and may continue to do so until more jobs are created. Maybe bouncing along the bottom is the new trend. Some indicators suggest that a bottom has been achieved. For instance, the Case-Schiller index, a good indicator of the housing industry's overall condition, is down on a yearly basis, but it showed an increase in April 2011, the first such increase since July 2010. Some communities such as Denton, TX are showing signs of strength. Usually, places that fare better are those that are insulated in some way from the downturn. Denton has benefited from having several major universities within its city limits. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article (June 20, 2011), here are some things to look at to determine if your community has reached the bottom or is making a comeback.
Unemployment -- Jobs are a catalyst for housing and those areas with the lowest unemployment typically have stronger housing markets. Start by comparing your local unemployment rate to the national average of 9.2%. If it is more than 2% below the US average, chances are good your housing market is making a comeback. Denton County, for instance, has an unemployment rate = 7.4%. (WSJ)
Rents -- Places where rents are low favor buyers and make owning a home attractive. If home prices are less than 15 times annual rents, the market can be construed to favor buyers.
Denton's price to rent multiple is 11, making it a favorable place to buy versus rent.
Foreclosures -- Obviously, foreclosures are the dagger to any real estate recovery. A single foreclosure in a neighborhood can have an adverse impact on property values. Healthier communities have fewer foreclosures. According to Realty Trac's April 2011 report, one in every 593 units nationwide received a foreclosure filing notice. That figure is down 9% from May 2011 and down 34% from April 2010.
Denton Foreclosure Rate = 1.18% (%age of properties subject to foreclosure filings in 2010). At the peak of the foreclosure crisis, 2.23% of the properties in the US were subject to foreclosure. (WSJ)
Another factor to be considered is how much property values have declined since their peak. Most strong housing markets have seen anywhere from 3% to 8.5% declines versus a city like Las Vegas which has experienced as much as a 50% decline in property values. Typically, the stronger markets are those that did not see the huge run-ups in value. Timing the bottom of the market is all but impossible and chances are good that some areas in the US will continue to see property values decline. It seems that the worst part of the storm has passed and many markets such as Denton, TX are showing signs of strength. Since real estate is local, the recovery rate will vary from area to area. As a result, many areas have reached a bottom and are waging a comeback. Other hard-hit areas seem stuck at the bottom while some areas dodged the recession altogether. Searching for the bottom then is a regional and sub-regional affair.
Unemployment -- Jobs are a catalyst for housing and those areas with the lowest unemployment typically have stronger housing markets. Start by comparing your local unemployment rate to the national average of 9.2%. If it is more than 2% below the US average, chances are good your housing market is making a comeback. Denton County, for instance, has an unemployment rate = 7.4%. (WSJ)
Rents -- Places where rents are low favor buyers and make owning a home attractive. If home prices are less than 15 times annual rents, the market can be construed to favor buyers.
Denton's price to rent multiple is 11, making it a favorable place to buy versus rent.
Foreclosures -- Obviously, foreclosures are the dagger to any real estate recovery. A single foreclosure in a neighborhood can have an adverse impact on property values. Healthier communities have fewer foreclosures. According to Realty Trac's April 2011 report, one in every 593 units nationwide received a foreclosure filing notice. That figure is down 9% from May 2011 and down 34% from April 2010.
Denton Foreclosure Rate = 1.18% (%age of properties subject to foreclosure filings in 2010). At the peak of the foreclosure crisis, 2.23% of the properties in the US were subject to foreclosure. (WSJ)
Another factor to be considered is how much property values have declined since their peak. Most strong housing markets have seen anywhere from 3% to 8.5% declines versus a city like Las Vegas which has experienced as much as a 50% decline in property values. Typically, the stronger markets are those that did not see the huge run-ups in value. Timing the bottom of the market is all but impossible and chances are good that some areas in the US will continue to see property values decline. It seems that the worst part of the storm has passed and many markets such as Denton, TX are showing signs of strength. Since real estate is local, the recovery rate will vary from area to area. As a result, many areas have reached a bottom and are waging a comeback. Other hard-hit areas seem stuck at the bottom while some areas dodged the recession altogether. Searching for the bottom then is a regional and sub-regional affair.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Does Kicking the Can Work?
Kicking the can down the road has become a trend in residential and commercial real estate but the trend may be hurting more than it's helping. It seems that many have been slow to acknowledge the full extent of the long-term consequences of the unrestrained lending practices which occurred from 2001 to 2006. Now, it seems that many believe that burying their heads in the sand until the mess blows over is a reasonable strategy. The sad truth is there is not much relief in sight for the US economy and many of the banks are still overburdened with non-performing real estate loans. The picture is not much brighter on the residential side either. Many more residential properties purchased with ARMs are due to reset in 2011 and 2012. Is there any benefit to kicking the can further down the road? In a recent Tierra Grande article, Dr. Dotzour, an economist with the Texas Real Estate Center at Texas A&M, explains why there is not much benefit at all. Here is what Dr. Dotzour has to say with regard to "kicking the can" aka as "extend and pretend":
Wow -- enough said. It seems that waiting, hoping, and praying for happier days is fine as long as you're not looking for them through rose colored glasses. Although there have been small signs the economy is truly improving, there are many, if not more, signs which suggest the economic recovery is sputtering. For instance, lagging home sales have continued to weigh down home builder profits. According to WSJ, Lennar, one of the nation's largest builders, reported that fiscal second quarter profit fell 65%. In addition, Fed chairman Bernanke publicly stated this week that he is at a loss as to how to explain the sagging economy's lackluster performance. Could it be partly because "extend and pretend" or "kicking the can" is not a viable solution and that without a housing recovery the broader economy will merely continue to limp along? The straightforward answer is yes and with unemployment lingering around 9% and commodity prices on the rise, it is hard to see how kicking the can further down the road is going to accomplish much. Yes, things are better in Texas but plenty of can kicking has taken place here just like in other parts of the country. Maybe it's time to get real about the economic state of affairs which starts by stopping the pretense that things are better than they are. Here are a few suggestions:
Clearly, these are not normal times. Many maturing loansare being extended rather than foreclosed on. This postpones the day ofreckoning when the owner loses the property and the lender incurs the loan loss.This phenomenon is called “extend and pretend.”The lender extends the loan and pretends it is still performing.Banks are weighed down with loans like this. Wall Streethas sold billions of dollars of these loans to investors all overthe world. Why don’t the banks and other lenders foreclose onthese properties and let the market clear? Why don’t they sellthem to new owners that can fix up the properties and findtenants for them? The answer is that after the massive losses incurred by banksfrom failed residential mortgages, they are not sufficientlycapitalized to immediately recognize the additional losses theyhave in their commercial real estate loans. After closing morethan 315 banks in the past three years, the FDIC DepositInsurance Fund (DIF) is $8 billion in the red. TheFDIC indicates it could take 17 years to rebuildthe DIF to desired levels. Federal policies initiated in the past twoyears suggest extend and pretend could be in place for many years to come.Rather than take the losses immediately, policy makers have decided toamortize these losses over a number of years.
- lock in the capital gains tax rate for a defined period of time
- release trapped real estate assets into the marketplace
- create tax incentives for investors who purchase distressed assets
- discontinue governmental policies that encourage moral hazard
- resist the temptation to over-regulate the lending industry
- US government should become a lender of last resort for small business
- discontinue the practice of bailing out businesses that are deemed to big too fail
Thursday, June 23, 2011
What's Hot in Hospitality -- Extremely Pesonalized Service
The old king of real estate adages about location, location, location might need to share the throne with a new real estate adage about service, service, service. Just like real estate in general, the hospitality industry has undergone and is undergoing some radical changes. One of these changes involves personalizing the hotel experience for each of its customers. There are many ways in which the hotel industry can personalize the customer's experience. Many are already attempting to do just that by offering more personal selection such as the type of pillow a customer may want. Many hotels are going much farther by personalizing the experience even more. New technologies are paving the way for improved customer experience. In my line of business, like in the hospitality industry, it is very difficult to differentiate your service from the competition. Doing so requires that you take your service over the top. To thrive, the hospitality industry needs to apply the 80/20 principle. In this respect, it becomes easy to see how 20% of what you do will generate 80% of the results you seek. What is that 20% that matters to customers in the hospitality industry? The hotels that are figuring this out are winning the race. Identifying the 20% that matters to customers is difficult, of course, because the 20% is a moving target. Each customer has a different set of 20% expectations. That's why it's so important for hotel management to train their staff to prearrange the experience. It should go something like this:
Hotel customer service rep (not front desk person) calls customer one week before his scheduled arrival and asks the following questions:
Have you stayed at _____________ before? We want to be the first to welcome you to... Is this trip for business or pleasure? Oh, I see. What time do you plan on arriving? Customer repsonse. _____________ will be working the desk that evening and she will be happy to check you in.
What type of pillow do you like -- soft or firm? Customer response. Okay, we'll have that type of pillow waiting for you?
What type of non-alcoholic beverage would you like in the room upon your arrival? Customer response. Okay, we'll have that in your room. Just let us know during check-in if you need help with bags and mention a bucket of ice and we'll have that delivered to your room as well.
Also, did you know we have a free complimentary breakfast which includes ____________, __________, ____________________. We encourage you to take advantage between _____________ and ___________________. Customer response....
Then you could explain what else is available for the customer such as shuttle service to and from the airport, work-out facilities, and pool amenities. Then you could close by asking if there is any special need or service that you can help with such as directions or pressing services.
This is the kind of personalization that will put the customer's experience over the top. Of course, it's important for hotels to offer amenities such as wi-fi and in-room movies but it's about much more than the amenities. The trend toward more amenities can not become a substitute for superior service and personal interaction. It's about the overall experience. Hotels that are the best at personalizing a traveler's experience will be the ones whose revenue soars when the economy recovers. The 80/20 principle, if applied properly, could revolutionize the hospitality industry. Find out the 20% that matters for each client and focus on delivering. It all starts with a courtesy call from a live person (not automated email) before the guest arrives, during his or her stay, and then after departure. Extreme service is what creates customer loyalty -- the wi-fi and free breakfast are simply icing on the cake -- great service takes it over the top.
Monday, June 20, 2011
The Confluence of the Political Parties in America
Republican Party Candidate |
Democratic Party Candidate |
___________ Party Candidate? |
Friday, June 17, 2011
Will Made In The US Rescue the American Economy and Real Estate
Is it a global brand? |
America needs jobs desperately and it needs jobs that pay better than minimum wage. Wal-Mart and other retail jobs are not the answer. The answer lies in manufacturing jobs and construction jobs. Let's ramp up and start exporting high quality American goods to consumers around the globe. Couple a resurgence in American manufacturing with real US support for small business and the economy might take flight. Give more perks and money to large business in the US and watch while they continue to sock it away and continue to pay out large bonuses to top leaders without increasing hiring or salaries for the average worker.
May 2011: US - 9.1%; TX - 8.0% |
Whatever happens next in our economy, it's time to think big, forget the status quo, and envision an economy that is a healthy blend of manufacturing and service sector jobs. This will provide options for a broad spectrum of workers and options are a good thing. There is reason to be hopeful but there is also serious cause for alarm. Nothing will come easy in the US again. If we want growth, we will have to work for it and earn it. We can't wait around on the government to provide the answer, and the government must partner with the American people and American business to make positive things happen in our economy. One such positive would be a resurgence in American industrial manufacturing.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
New Trend in Affordable Housing
The trend toward smaller is not isolated to the tech industry. Even the housing industry is getting on board. Micro-housing, one of the hottest new trends in affordable housing, is coming to Portland. Micro-housing is moving into the mainstream and shaking loose from it roots in architectural whimsy. With monthly housing costs taking up a larger and larger portion of people's monthly income, many Americans are looking for different housing options. Obviously, many are turning to multi-family apartments. Others, however, are seeking a more creative alternative. One such alternative is micro-housing. Micro-housing may be catching on. One such development by home builder, DR Horton, in Portland, Oregon is embracing the micro-housing concept and is spotlighted in the video below. Micro-houses are very small, typically between 300 and 800 square feet. In essence, this development site in Portland is 15,000 sq. ft. and consists of 29 units. This represents an incredibly efficient density. This site is also being promoted as environmentally friendly where homenowners prefer to ride bikes and mass transit as opposed to driving cars. In fact, these homes do not have garages. Micro-housing is already popular in densely populated countries such as Japan and could catch on in urban areas in America where higher densities are feasible and costs of home ownership and leasing are very high. Situated close to light rail, these homes could provide an affordable and eco-friendly alternative to people seeking to own versus rent, especially in areas where the cost of housing has skyrocketed. At $300/SF, the price for these micro-homes in Portland seems very steep especially when compared to home prices in Texas. As a result, most of Texas is probably not well-suited for micro-housing. This model could gain momentum in some regions of the US. Micro-housing is certainly an intriguing idea that might appeal to certain buyers, perhaps those just starting out or those looking to downsize. Following this emerging trend will be interesting.
New Technology Changes the Face of Real Estate
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Web 2.0 - The New Real Estate Marketing Landscape |
This type of innovation is very exciting. It means that small to medium size companies will be able to compete more efficiently in a consolidating business climate where a smaller and smaller number of companies are gaining control over industries such as banking and finance. Although real estate professionals have historically been slow to embrace new technology, most now acknowledge that there's no turning back. Both commercial and residential real estate are adopting the Internet, video, and social media like never before. Residential is leading the charge by using smart phone apps, virtual tours, IDX, and social media. However, commercial brokerages are beginning to embrace these opportunities as well. Static websites are no longer enough to keep you on the cutting edge. Everything is moving toward an interactive experience on the web. Customers are demanding it.
QR Code |
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Green Gains Ground
The trend toward GREEN in real estate is gaining momentum in the US and abroad. Driven by the US Green Building Council and new legislation at all levels of government, many real estate professionals are seeing the writing on the wall. Go GREEN or get left behind. Whether this is a trend that will last or simply a fad remains to be seen, but the GREEN movement is impacting real estate perhaps more than anything else. Sustainability, or the ability to endure, is the foundation of the GREEN movement. The GREEN movement's influence in real estate stems from the fact that buildings are the single largest polluter of our environment. Buildings emit pollutants such as carbon dioxide into our air, a major cause of air pollution and global warming. Buildings also utilize natural resources both during and after the construction process. As a result, it makes sense that if we construct buildings to be more water and energy efficient, we will help the environment endure or be more sustainable. The US Green Building Council offers a LEED Certified, Sliver, Gold, or Platinum designation. Obviously, LEED Platinum designation is the most coveted designation and signifies a building is very energy and water efficient. The Bank of America Building in downtown New York (shown in video below) is seeking a LEED Platinum designation.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
The Trend toward Home
Home is where the heart is and so on and so on. These days, the home is headquarters to millions of consumers and employees. The home is no longer simply where we raise our families. It's much much more. Think about the drive-in theater whose day has come and gone. Sure, there are a few drive-ins scattered around the country but this once popular past-time has been replaced by giant multiplex theaters with stadium seating and Dolby digital sound. Even these giant theaters might soon go the way of the drive-in as companies that offer DVDs in the mail such as NetFlix and on-demand video becomes more widespread and takes center stage. The trend toward home entertainment mirrors a broader trend toward the home as a one-stop shop. In many ways, the home is becoming the central nervous system. It is now possible for someone to order just about any good or service from the comfort of their own home. In addition, many higher end homes have become mini-resorts where people can swim in a resort style pool during the day and then watch a movie on a big screen at night. As homes becomes more intelligent and the Internet continues to make previously unavailable options available to consumers, the trend toward home will continue to impact real estate.
For instance, modern movie theaters now have to compete with state-of-the-art in-home theaters and resort vacation destinations now have to compete with staycations as people can practically take a vacation in their own backyard. Traditional office space is also having to compete with the home office as modern technology has made it possible to telecommute. Email, text, video-conferencing, and high-speed Internet connections allow more people than ever before to work from home. In 2000, it is estimated that 4.2 million people worked from the home all or part of the week. By 2008, that number had grown to approximately 17.2 million people working from a remote location such as a home office. Today in 2011, the trend is growing and more people than ever before are telecommuting. The implications of these trends are having and will continue to have an incredible impact on traditional bricks and mortar commercial space.
Another growing trend in the US and around the globe is online education. In the US, it's even possible for a person to graduate from high school without ever setting foot in a traditional classroom. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to make online education accessible to the consumer. Everything from courses required for a college degree to a real estate license can be completed online. In spite of all this convenience, however, most people still choose to attend traditional schools and still want to shop at stores. However, the trend toward online retail is booming. According to, Internet sales reached $156B in 2009. In some instances it seems that consumers still want to touch, see, and hold the merchandise before they buy it. Grocery stores are a good example. Book stores, on the other hand, are not faring so well. Digital readers such as the Kindle and iPad are more sustainable options than traditional books and they don't require as much space as paper books. People are embracing digital books like never before. Only 14% of print book readers now say they will never try a digital book and 26% of adult book readers are already reading digital books. This trend toward digital books will continue to grow. From online shopping to online education, it's clear that advanced technology in the home and the workplace is reshaping how we live, work, and play. It's easy to see a future where the home, in tandem with modern technology, will become the commercial hub for millions of Americans, altering the real estate landscape forever.
Home is where the heart is and so on and so on. These days, the home is headquarters to millions of consumers and employees. The home is no longer simply where we raise our families. It's much much more. Think about the drive-in theater whose day has come and gone. Sure, there are a few drive-ins scattered around the country but this once popular past-time has been replaced by giant multiplex theaters with stadium seating and Dolby digital sound. Even these giant theaters might soon go the way of the drive-in as companies that offer DVDs in the mail such as NetFlix and on-demand video becomes more widespread and takes center stage. The trend toward home entertainment mirrors a broader trend toward the home as a one-stop shop. In many ways, the home is becoming the central nervous system. It is now possible for someone to order just about any good or service from the comfort of their own home. In addition, many higher end homes have become mini-resorts where people can swim in a resort style pool during the day and then watch a movie on a big screen at night. As homes becomes more intelligent and the Internet continues to make previously unavailable options available to consumers, the trend toward home will continue to impact real estate.
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Modern In-Home Theater |
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Online Education - A Growing Trend |
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The Rise of the Automobile
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Car of the Future - Electric Powered |
The result: America witnessed the birth of:
Shopping Centers/Malls
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Original Tract Home Subdivision Levittown, USA |
Fuel Stations
Overnight Lodging
Road Trip Vacation
America also witnessed the death of:
Many Small Towns
Mass Transit in Some Areas
Certain Aspects of Community
Certain Types of Industry
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Classic Corvette - My Favorite Classic Car Maybe one day! |
Other topics and trends we discussed in class were:
Technology's Impact on Real Estate - if it has not already, technology will ultimately eclipse the automobile in terms of its overall impact on real estate
Mass Transit Options Such As High Speed Rail - it would be awesome to have the US states linked together through a network of high speed rail lines - European and Asian countries are the leaders in high speed rail
Unique Commercial Properties - looked at the very strange underground commercial property called Subtropolis - someone should make a movie with this as its setting
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Nissan Leaf - 100% Electric |
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